Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017

I know you are all "anxiously" waiting for my next post, as somehow the days have slipped by and I have not written!  We are keeping busy, getting to know sisters in the Calvert area, and trying to help where we can.  One of the fun "new" things is that there are now young sister missionaries in that area as well as us - except they are assigned full time to that one ward alone.
Sis, Thompson and Sis. Lusk
So the days we go to the Calvert Ward, we try to check on them, see if we can help them out, or take them to lunch.  Sister Thompson and Sister Lusk are so enthusiastic and fun to be around - and we feel like their grandmothers, making sure they are okay.  We try to pass on any referrals or names of part member families that we have contacted, so that they can go to teach them!
Dares Beach View
Typical farm sign

We love seeing the beauties of the areas we drive through, the very green trees, beaches and beautiful flowers.  People here have to fence their gardens to keep the many animals (deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc.) from eating their produce.
Fenced in garden

Interesting barn
A lot of the homes are spread far apart from each other and there are a lot more farms than I expected to see here in Southern Maryland!  We love finding sisters home to visit, and are getting to know this area and the people in this ward pretty well.
One of the really great advantages of being a senior missionary is that we can spend time with family either that live in the area or if they come here to visit.  That is just what I did last Saturday, going to visit Stacie and her family in Virginia!  I got to see one of Liam's soccer games, attend his first piano recital, and have fun watching the kids at their "Montclair Days".

Liam's soccer game
First piano recital for Liam
Montclair Days activities
They rode ponies, played games, Isla had her face painted, went down the water slide - what a fun day for them!  (and me too!)  Then we took a boat ride on the lake by David and Stacie's house - and relaxed!  What a special day!
With Stacie's family on boat
Isla with painted face!

The Lord's work continues here in Southern Maryland and I love being here and being a part of these wards, trying what we can to strengthen the members and bring them closer to Christ.  Rouge Labtic is getting baptized this weekend, a special occasion we have been greatly looking forward to!
       I love all of you, I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the joy and happiness it brings.  The Lord has blessed me so immensely while serving this mission.  It is such a great experience and I am so grateful to be here at this time.  Have a fantastic week and stay happy!

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