Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017

   How great it was last weekend to have Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Seventy visit our mission for a tremendous mission conference, and he was the visiting authority for the Suitland Stake Conference as well. He and his wife were so interesting to listen to and feel of their spirit, I could have listened to them for many more hours.  It was very special to meet them individually and feel the love they have for missionaries and missionary work.
        We have had a very busy week with the two White Plains wards merged into one and trying to help our Relief Society president get to know the sisters she has not previously known, as well as locate sisters who have been lost.  What a challenging responsibility she has now with about 400 sisters in the ward (at least on the ward record!)  So along with the visiting and looking for other sisters, we have had organizational meetings, as well as meeting with the ward mission leader and missionaries to see how to be more productive with the work here.
        How fun to have Maurie and Christy be able to come for a visit this week - it has been so great to have them here for a few days.  While they were here, we were able to tour the FBI building in Washington D.C. with Stacie - the lighting made it hard to get a good picture inside, but it was very interesting learning about all the FBI does!  
With Stacie in FBI Building

Maurie & Christy
Washington D.C.Temple
       Then it was so nice going to the temple with Maurie and Christy - in the temple where Christy was sealed to her parents 37 years ago!  What a special place it is for them as well as me!  I love each time I am able to be in this beautiful and holy place, especially with family! 
        After doing apartment inspections of the elders Friday we met with the new Stake Relief Society president who assigns us our areas.  She is getting use to her own responsibilities, and she knows we are keeping plenty busy for now, so we will probably stay as we are for awhile.  I was glad Maurie and Christy were able to see part of Washington D.C. that day - sounds like they saw a lot of places Friday, without my help!
At Mount Vernon
Along the Potomac River
        Then Saturday we were able to spend the morning with them at Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington, one of my favorite places to visit!   I know George Washington was divinely inspired in so many ways with the founding of America.   He was such a great leader and helped make it possible for us to enjoy the great freedoms we have in this country today!  Because of our "founding fathers" America became a fertile place for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be restored to the earth, where there was freedom to worship as we please. What a wonderful blessing this is, one I hope never to take for granted! 
         I loved having Maurie and Christy come to our White Plains Ward and meet some of the great people I have grown to love here, and to have the people here meet my kids! (well some of them!)  It was our first time with both wards meeting all together, so it was a large turnout!   After giving them some lunch in our very simple apartment, we drove to D.C. to see a few of the memorials they had not yet had time to see - the Lincoln Memorial, World War II and VietNam Memorials.  It was a very special day to spend with Maurie and Christy, and hard to say "good-bye" !   It is so good to know they are taking care of everything at home for me!  
Lincoln and Washington Memorials
       Now, back to work!  Searching for the lost, and those who are seeking for the truth!  I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and want to share it with everyone I meet - active, inactive, members, and nonmembers!  I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity!   Love to you all!                                

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