Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017


I have really missed being in Chesterfield this Memorial Day - so many special memories there from years past.  Last year I was with some of my family in Chesterfield to see DeLos' headstone and put flowers on it for the first time.  I feel fortunate to have a niece to arrange them and put them on for me this year.  Thanks so much, Aileen!
Emmanuel Church
Cemetary next to church
So here in Maryland there is a small cemetary by most of the churches in each community - it is very interesting to see.  The churches are small, but quite old and attractive, lots of stained-glass windows.  The pastor of this one showed us through one day when we stopped by in our travels.  I was curious because his name is Matthew "Tate" (my maiden name), so we had an interesting visit with him, told him some about the "Mormons".  He was about as interested in what we had to say as we were in his Methodist religion, but he was very nice to show us around.        
We see such beautiful areas each day in our visits to different sisters - from Cobb Island on the south to Chesapeake Bay on the east.  Such a beautiful part of America!!  And the people are so nice, too - a lot of great Southern hospitality here!  We had some very special visits this week with sisters we have grown quite close to, hoping always to bring them closer to the Savior.  It is so great when we see them attend church, no matter how difficult the challenge!
Near Cobb Island
Chesapeake Bay
I have loved getting to know Sister Morningstar, who is from Spain.  She has been a member for about 40 years now, and was telling me of her conversion as one of the first generation members in her fanily,  Now it is going into the 3rd generation of members, and the church membership has grown so much where she is from.  She is excited to go back to Spain to visit her family in a couple of weeks and do some family history while she is there!   I am SO excited for
Sis. Morningstar
Cade, my oldest grandson, to be going on his mission to Spain in July!  Maybe he will get to know some of her family there!
          We had another great experience attending the Jenny Oaks Baker concert Sunday night at the Visitor's Center of the Washington D.C. temple.  It was so marvelous and then to top it off, I saw my cousin and her husband there, who are serving in the Washington D.C. South mission. This is Jenny Oaks Baker with her 4 children playing the concert.  They are heading off to Europe to record music from "The Sound of Music" there in the Austrian alps!   Next is my cousin, Karen Lyon Hansen, and her husband, Jim, who we surprisingly saw while at the concert.  Small world!   
Jenny Oaks Baker concert
With cousin, Karen and Jim Hansen
It has been another great week in the Washington D.C. North Mission, and the Lord is blessing us abundantly!  Thanks for your love, support, and prayers!!

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