Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017

Mother's Day in the Mission Field!

I felt so fortunate to be able to spend a little of Mother's Day with David, Stacie and their three little sweethearts!  Such fun!  After church we met at Gravelly Point for a picnic and to watch the planes taking off from Reagan Airport.  It was so special to spend the time with them and see their enthusiasm and energy!  And I also got to talk to each of my children, and most of my grandchildren that evening - another special treat!  
With all the phone calling, I didn't get a chance to write my blog last week, so I am trying to catch it up this week.  I have had some great experiences the past couple of weeks.  Attending the temple with Sister Ohnsorg (92 years old) and her family was one of the highlights of my mission - to see how she radiates with her love for the Gospel and how grateful she is to now be sealed to her family forever - what a blessing!  It was a very special occasion!
Sisters Ohnsorg & Eubanks
Crabfest with the Elders at Labtics
Brother Labtic showing us how to break open the crabs
We really enjoyed being with the Elders at the Labtics to learn how to break and eat Maryland crabs!  This is a delicacy Maryland is known for, and they served it to us with great pride!  It is more common in the Philippines, where the Labtics are both from.  The elders will be baptizing their son soon!

It is SO beautiful this time of year in Maryland, with lush green trees lining the roads, and flower beds where ever you go.  We drive along many roads like this.  We have made many visits these last two weeks to the sisters in the White Plains areas so we can focus more on Calvert County - beautiful sites and wonderful people in both parts of Maryland!
        We loved stopping at the Amish Farmer's Market one day, such nice people who grow their own food without all the modern conveniences we have, and transport their things to the market in horse and buggy.  I wanted pictures of them, but they do not like to have their pictures taken. These are flower baskets they sell, but we really enjoyed their homemade breads!

We have also been able to have some adventures the past 2 weeks seeing some of the sites in Washington D.C.  We were fortunate to get into the Hirshhorn Museum to see the "Infinity of Mirrors" while it was showing there (thanks to Stacie!)  The "dot" room was a favorite!
Sister Brown and I went through the Archives while in D.C. and were able to see our great documents of freedom for our country.  I am truly awed at the freedoms and liberties we enjoy here that so many have fought so bravely for.  We also went to Arlington Cemetary and watched the "Changing of the Guards" at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - a very sobering experience.
National Archives
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Arlington Cemetary 
While there is always something to do and see, we spend most of our days visiting sisters and helping the Relief Society presidents with all the work they have to do.  There are so many sisters that are very lonely and need to know they are cared about.  There are many challenges, but I love being a missionary and sharing my testimony when I can while being a representative of Jesus Christ.  What an awesome responsibility!  I am so grateful for this opportunity and blessing!

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