Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017

The Harbor at Cobb Island, on the Potomac River
           We have just finished listening to the wonderful sessions of General Conference from Salt Lake City, and hearing Pres. Monson and many of the General Authorities teach us the things of most importance in our lives.  How blessed we are to get their counsel every six months and feel of the Spirit testifying of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and His teachings.  I feel so fortunate to be able to spread His word and testify of Jesus Christ here in Maryland, and to be a part of this great missionary effort.
          We have been busy trying to find sisters here in Waldorf and down the peninsula to Newburg, Port Tobacco and Cobb Island this week. Those we have been able to find are so interesting and great to visit with, and listen to, as well.  One sister, who has recently left an abusive situation, was so excited to see us, said she had prayed for the sister missionaries to come.  It was amazing to be able to find her that day at a trailer park in a downpour of rain, but we did.  She had bought us Krispy Kreme donuts, and then talked and talked to us for about 2 hours (until the rain had stopped!)  We hope it helped her some, we feel she is in such need!  We also found a family who haven't been to church in quite a while, but seemed glad to have us come.  They have two teenage daughters and said they will be trying to get back again.
         There are so many sites to see as we travel.  We hope we will be able to get back to Port Tobacco, as it is full of historical sites.  It was the first county seat in St. Charles County, but is now mainly historical sites like this one-room school house, a courthouse, and some interesting homes. 
One-room schoolhouse
Rose Hill
                 We also see quite a variety of houses in areas like this.  Here are two vastly different homes, but may give you an idea - these were on "Poorhouse Road".  Which one fits?  We also found deer running between some of the houses - it was very interesting, though hard to get very good pictures of them!
         We made the most of our trip to Cobb Island (a day long trip), and found a great place to eat.  I guess this little harbor town is really packed on the weekends, especially in the summer, with so many boats and places with great seafood.
    The shrimp were the largest I have ever had and very tasty!  My youngest son, Brad, would really love to eat here!!
           This is a fun picture of Elder Hunt and Brother Heath (our ward mission leader) putting our vacuum back together for us.  We're not too adept with these kinds of vacuums, but not sure they are either!                                                                                                                                                                        We were excited to have dinner at the Labtics this week and be a part of the discussion with their 11-year-old son as the missionaries taught him about the Restoration of the Church.  Hopefully he will be baptized soon and they can work towards being sealed in the temple this year.  Iris was baptized last April 22nd, and she is really anxious for this to happen.  They are the Filipino family who just had their new baby blessed a couple of weeks ago.      
        Now on to new and extra challenges!  We have been asked to go to the Calvert Ward several times a week to help with their Relief Society (in addition to still helping in the White Plains wards!) This ward is about 35 miles east of where we are living, so we will drive back and forth each day.  One sister is in need of extra help as she is pretty much bedridden with her pregnancy and has a 1-year-old besides.  So we will trade off helping her a few days a week, while the other goes with the new Relief Society president to locate the sisters in her ward.  It is an interesting, new assignment, which will stretch us even more, as we learn to prioritize those we keep visiting!
        Have a great week and remember how much Our Heavenly Father loves you, as well as how much I love all of you!  I know He loves me - I see it every day in the work we are doing and the great people we meet here in Maryland! 


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