Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017

The beautiful Springtime along Chesapeake Bay                                                           
 What a beautiful time of year to be serving a mission and sharing the message of Jesus Christ!  I love the Easter season, celebrating the Life and Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and feeling new life all around in the beauty of nature.  I have felt the Lord's blessings so abundantly as we visit and get to know sisters in these different wards.  We have been visiting with a couple of elderly sisters regularly, who are not members.  We have been teaching them about the Plan of Salvation, which has been very rewarding for us, we hope for them.

        We spent two days in the Calvert Ward with Sister Larson, visiting sisters in the Chesapeake Beach area, and have had some very rewarding experiences there with them.  Sister Larson also took us out to the Chesapeake Bay, which was great to be able to see and walk the boardwalk there

With Sister Larson at Chesapeake Bay
We couldn't pass up this candy store in Chesapeake Beach!
 This was a small deer in Sister Larsen's yard, a common sight for her.

We have had a special week with family, as Sister Brown's son and family were visiting from Utah in Washington, D.C. during their Spring Break.  We spent a couple of days seeing some of the sites with them.
Sister Brown's family visiting from Utah
At Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson

World War II Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Viet Nam Memorial

 I also went to Stacie's, my daughter who lives in Virginia, Saturday for Easter and enjoyed the time with them.
Dying Easter eggs
Lollipops that grew from magic jelly beans
After the Easter egg hunt
Yummy Easter brunch at Stacie's
 This is one of the real "perks" of being Senior missionaries, being able to adapt our schedules and see family when they are here, or on holidays.  We have made the most of this this week.  It has been a nice break, and now we are ready to dedicate ourselves again to "the work" of bringing sisters closer to the Savior!

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