Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 26, 2017

We have had some great visits with sisters this week, hopefully bringing them closer to Christ as we listen to them tell about their families, conversions, or problems, and then discuss with them the importance of Christ in their lives.  We do listen more than we talk, and that is okay, as it helps them to have someone to talk to.  A couple of sisters have had surgery recently, so it is good to have them tell about their recuperation, etc.  Our sweet Filipino sister had her baby yesterday and text messaged me at 5:30 this morning to let me know - so glad she felt she could!  Two of the sisters in the ward have asked us to visit their mothers (about our ages)  who are not members of the church, one of them we took to lunch for her birthday.  They are very sweet ladies, who seem to enjoy having the visits as well.  While our role is not in teaching them, we share a message of hope with them and the love of the Savior that they seem to appreciate. 
Helen's birthday
After district conference Tuesday we took the elders to lunch as two of them were being transferred.  What fun Elders they are and they love to eat!  I should know, raising 5 boys just like them!                                                   These are Elder Sherratt, Elder Montez, Elder Wach and Elder Hirzel.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                             So yesterday while out in Hughesville we heard an alarm go off, which was a tornado warning.  What!  A tornado here in Maryland in February?!!  The sister turned on the TV and we were able to see right where the tornado would be passing during the next 30 minutes - directly over our apartment!  Since we were about 10 miles east of there, she encouraged us to stay put until the tornado had moved north, which we were glad to do!  Then when it had passed we drove home through quite severe rain and hail, but at least were able to get home safely.  Interesting weather here!  Changes from 75 degrees one day to 35 or 40 the next! 
Signs of Spring    

      Tornado Watch!    

Lunch at the Boat Harbor in Baltimore
We decided we need to use our p-days to see some of the many historical sites in this area. so last Monday (President's Day)we went to Fort McHenry, near Baltimore.  We had a terrific day seeing where Francis Scott Key saw the American flag still standing after a night of being bombarded by British ships in the harbor, and then wrote some of the stanzas to "The Star Spangled Banner."  It is one of my favorite stories in American history, and being there made me feel so grateful for those who have fought to keep America free, renewed Patriotism for this great country!   We were glad Sister Hess could go with us and share the experience.   
Raising the flag at Ft. McHenry

The flag at that time had 15 stars and 15 stripes.                 
At Fort McHenry

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