Monday, February 13, 2017

Feb. 12, 2017


"On the Road Again!"
     Our work continues as we try to find the sisters of the White Plains wards that are in need of a visit or special help.  This week, after we met with the Relief Society President of the 1st ward,  our work about doubled.  The 1st ward is not quite as spread out as the 2nd ward, but there are more inactive sisters or ones that seem to need some extra visits, so we are trying to reach them, and share a message of hope with them.  We are also trying to get back and revisit some of the sisters we found a couple of weeks ago.  Some of the older sisters have trouble getting out, making it to church, etc., so they really seem to appreciate having someone visit them.  One sweet sister, hardly able to walk herself, wanted to fix us lunch some time - think we'll take her lunch instead!  She was happy to see us!!  Another sister with a weakened immune system from cancer treatments has to be very careful getting out in public much, but seemed so glad to visit and tell us all about her family.  She also loved showing us her large amount of food storage, water, preparedness items - I think the members of the Church here in Maryland have seen disasters and know to be prepared for anything!      
Making blankets for a homeless shelter
 It is very interesting finding the different areas of our wards - this week we went to Charlotte Hall and Mechanicsville, very pretty communities with some historical sites we saw while looking for homes, so of course we had to take pictures, in spite of wind and cold!      
Cathedral built 1883

Military Academy - built 1803
The weather has been so changeable - we had some beautiful, warm days (nearly 70 degrees), followed by a day of extreme bitter cold winds and freezing rain.  Usually it is in the mid 40's, much warmer than I had expected, but they say it has been a much milder winter this year.

        We also decided a p-day was necessary, to relax our brains and help us mentally!  So I went to Stacie's for the day Saturday and had a fun day making Valentine cookies with Liam and Isla, and playing games with them.
Liam and Isla making cookies

  It was pretty easy finding the way now that I can use my GPS, and is only about an hour from where we are living.  As senior missionaries, we are able to travel out of our mission area as long as we let our mission president know where we will be.  My companion caught up on her letters, did some shopping, etc., so it was a good break for both of us!
With Esme
It's fun to get to see grandkids occasionally while serving the Lord on a mission! And Stacie sent me home with beautiful tulips to decorate our apartment and yummy treats for  Valentines - how great is that! 

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