Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4, 2017

                   It has been a special Labor Day weekend in the life of this missionary, getting to spend some time with my son and his wife and their 4 beautiful children.  I met them at the Visitor's Center of the Washington D.C. temple Friday afternoon (after their long 7 hour drive), and after seeing around there and the temple, we went to D.C. to see some of the sites there, such as the Lincoln and Washington Memorials.  Saturday Sister Brown and I met them in Baltimore to see Fort McHenry and learn with them the special meaning of the flag.  I have been there twice before, but each time learn something new and significant about our country's flag.  It was great to see these grandchildren learning about it as well!

I got to spend a morning with Stacie and her sweet children a couple of weeks ago at Watkins Park, which has a "Wizard of Oz" theme throughout it.  It was fun to see them having such a good time on all the activities there - very amazing and fun-filled things.


 At Zone Conference last week we were able to help the young missionaries learn about car maintenance.  That will surprise my kids - Mom?  car maintenance!!  Well, okay!  I learned some things as well, but what a great training and experience for all of us!  I love Zone Conferences, seeing all the young sisters and elders and feeling their enthusiasm and energy!  One of the best parts is after lunch when we all stand and sing "Called to Serve" - the Spirit is so strong and powerful!
We have had some experiences this week that reaffirm to me how the Lord is truly watching over us.  As we took our normal route over to Calvert County to visit sisters for the day, we found the bridge was completely blocked off.  The heavy rain that day had caused a driver to hydroplane on the bridge hitting head on into an oncoming car.  We realized that if we hadn't taken the time to stop and see a sister who has cancer, we might have been right on the bridge at that time!  Turning around and going the northern route to our areas (an extra hour in driving) was much better than being on the bridge that day!
         It is amazing to us our timing as we find sisters home just at the right time to be able to visit with them.  Another sister we have visited quite a bit came home from the hospital sooner than we had expected, but she said she was praying we would come to visit.  It feels good to know we are maybe able to comfort or help them in some way in their trials, or help them feel the Savior's love for them.
        Both the wards we are visiting had Labor Day picnics Monday, so they were timed far enough apart that we could go to both of them.  It made for a fun holiday and a good way to get to know more sisters in each of these wards, visiting with them in a casual, friendly atmosphere.  One sister was glad to be able to tell of her upcoming knee surgery, so we are glad to be aware of situations like this where we can be of some help and encouragement.  They say we are "Visiting Teachers on Steroids" and I guess that's true, spending most of our days visiting those who are sick or in need!  But it is a wonderful feeling to be of service and feel we are doing the Lord's work. 
I love being able to serve the Lord in this beautiful place and among such wonderful people.  I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I love being able to share it with others through word and action in the service we are able to do.  I am so thankful for this opportunity!  Stay true to the faith and remain strong through the challenges and trials of life.  It is worth it all!

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