Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017

Although we weren't in an area for a total eclipse, we were excited we had glasses to watch it happen here in Southern Maryland!  Here is our eclipse watching party with a couple of friends!  Glad we got our glasses ahead of time to see what was happening!
        Last night we really enjoyed attending the "Why I Believe" fireside at the Visitor's Center at the temple.  The main speakers were Thurl Bailey and his wife, Sindi.  It was so fun to hear their story, how they met and how he was converted to the church.  These inspiring firesides are for the missionaries and their investigators, and so wonderful to be able to go to - it was packed, standing room only!  And what makes it great for the Baileys is that their son is serving his mission here right now and this was where Thurl grew up.  This is one of the special experiences we have had here in the Washington D.C. North Mission.
We have been keeping busy with plenty of sisters to visit and help, while also enjoying the activities of all three wards we are a part of - keeps us hopping.

This is a very sweet sister we visited at the care center this week.  Then we loved meeting Elder Rowley's family who came out to tour his mission last week.  Sister Labtic cooked them her popular crabs and what a feast they had - so glad we were invited too!
     We helped with the Memorial Service a week ago for a sweet sister (only 42 years old), who died from a brain tumor - leaving her husband and 4 children (3 still at home!)  It was such a special service - most of the people wore purple (her favorite color), and such nice tributes were paid to her.  We were glad we could be a part of it.

We had fun at the White Plains Beach party, with a good attendance, great food and a lot of activities for the young people.  Everyone seemed to have a great time!

And along our travels every day we see many interesting sites, such as these.  The flowers are beautiful here in Maryland, lining the streets near Chesapeake Bay.  There has been a lot of rain lately, so the toadstools are abundant as well!
 We stopped by the Farmer's market one day for some fresh tomatoes and homemade zucchini bread (we avoid cooking ourselves!)  It is fascinating to see these people and how they provide for themselves through their farm produce and baking.  I love their horse and buggy transportation, but would rather leave it to them!  We usually travel over 100 miles a day in our visiting - it would take us a long time in a horse and buggy!
Then we met this sweet sister and her Irish Wolf hound dog - he was "sweet" too!  We  see lots of dogs - everyone has a dog - but this is the largest I've seen!!          

We went to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. this week for our "P" day, and it was an experience I won't forget.  How sobering to think of what the Jewish people suffered during this time.  We toured through the building, saw some of the films, and took our time reflecting on the European nations involved in these atrocities, even visited with a Holocaust survivor. 
 This is a mock crematorium where the corpses were cremated after the gas chambers - such horrific sights!
       We also went into the American History Museum, enjoyed the display the church has put there in the new display of "Religions in America".  There were a lot of interesting things to see in this museum as well, but a much more positive and uplifting feeling, for sure!
It has been a busy, but very rewarding couple of weeks - in all aspects.  I feel so blessed that I am able to share my love of the Gospel and of the Savior with others as we serve the sisters here in Southern Maryland.  It is a wonderful opportunity and experience!  Have a great week, and remember -  our Savior loves you!

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