Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26, 2017

                            WASHINGTON D.C. in Cherry Blossom Season

I guess the mission office must think we know something about cars, as they had us helping the young elders and sisters with their car inspections this week at our Zone Conference - pretty funny!  But it actually helped us to know what to watch for on our own cars!  We love meeting with the young missionaries, seeing their enthusiasm and zest for the work!
Car Inspection at Zone Conference
Singing "Called to Serve"
Dela and Stacia
We keep pretty busy trying to visit the sisters in our two wards, and trying to find "Lost" sisters who are on the rolls, but haven't lived in these places for a couple of years or more!  We probably go to 5 to 10 places a day, maybe finding one or two sisters to visit with.  When we do, it is so interesting to find out about them, or see how we can best help them.  Most really enjoy having someone to talk to and someone listen to them!  So many challenges - so many problems!  This sister had a card making activity, which I enjoyed, along with getting to know her and her friends better. 
Bobbie making cards

  After a busy week we really enjoyed going into Washington D.C. Friday afternoon to see the cherry blossoms at their peak!  It was nice that Stacie was able to meet us to take some exceptional pictures, show us around a little, and treat us to dinner there!  Seeing the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial was also very interesting.
With Sister Brown by the Tidal Basin

Cherry Blossom Time

Eating at The Muze with Stacie
Cherry blossoms with Stacie
FDR Memorial

And to top the week off, my oldest grandson, Cade Curtis (son of Bret and Shaulee) got his mission call this week!!  He will be going to the Spain, Madrid mission on July 25th!  So excited for him and the joys he will soon be experiencing serving the Lord in that part of the world!


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