Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19th

Interesting week, going from spring blossoms to spring snowstorm!  While it isn't like snow I've experienced in Utah and Idaho, the mission office contacted us and told us to stay off the roads because of the ice, which can be pretty treacherous!  So we had a good day to plan, and organize our records (and maps!)
We had some really terrific visits as well this week.  One sister we have been visiting regularly really wants to come back to church.  She says she has felt so much better about the church since we have started visiting her.  Another sister we had been told not to bother visiting, but when we saw that she had had foot surgery, we thought we ought to go by.  And we had a great visit with her!
We were so excited when we found out Labtics were having their baby blessed on Sunday, that we had to go and buy a little white dress - she didn't have anything small enough for the 3-week old baby, so we told her we were the adopted grandmas and got something for her, since all of their family are in the Philippines. She looked so precious today!  Such a special day for them and us too!  We will help with the new member discussions and when the elders start teaching Sister Labtic's 11-year old son this coming week.
Kimber Labtic
The Labtics - Kimber's blessing
 We had a wonderful stake Relief Society conference on Saturday, which we helped with  - making the soups, etc., passing out things.  Our mission mother was the keynote speaker with the theme "Let Your Light So Shine".  It was a neat experience taking Sister Neville to it, she so rarely gets out to anything.  We also got to meet the sisters who had served here about 4 years ago - they flew here from Utah and Arizona to see everyone again.  We have been able to visit with them and get to know them, as well.  They have set a good precedent for us!  Sister Ramon is the Stake Relief Society President who we stayed with until we could get into our apartment.
With Sister Neville at Relief Society conference
Sister Brown, Sister Ramon, and Sister Harper
One more exciting thing.  Today after the second ward, I walked out to a big surprise!  There was Jim Price, who grew up in Mesquite with our children!  He was here visiting his inlaws, the Bowies - so fun!  We had a good time catching up on what had happened to them in these past 20 plus years, and telling him about my family.  Small world we live in!  Have a great week!
With Jim and Michelle Price

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