Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017

With adorable Antonio
We continue having such tremendous experiences as we get to know the wonderful sisters in the Anacostia Ward - what a spirit they have!  It is hard to describe their love for the Savior and desire to serve.  While there aren't as many active members, we feel of their faith and love.  We had been cautioned about safety issues in this area of the stake, but we have certainly felt the strength of the Lord blessing and protecting us in so many ways.  It is amazing the protection we feel wearing our missionary badges wherever we go.
Sister Brown with Jonathan Jr.
We especially feel the protection of the Lord as we drive to this new area, part of it located in Washington D.C.  As we were driving on the expressway yesterday a car ahead of us hit the back of another car, throwing his car across the other three lanes to the edge of the road.  It was truly a miracle that we were able to avoid hitting him, but it left us shaking the rest of the day, and extremely grateful to the Lord for His protecting care in our driving!
        We will miss working with Sister Walker and Sister Mabey in the Calvert Ward and being near the Chesapeake Bay, but we do feel that the remainder of our mission should focus on the Anacostia Ward, while continuing to help some in the White Plains Ward, as the needs of these two wards seem the greatest.  We are going forth with confidence and the strength of the Lord as we continue to serve and help the sisters in these wards.
Dinner with Sisters Walker and Mabey        Chesapeake Bay 

I really enjoyed having Daylen and Ashley visit from Utah last week.  While they spent a lot of their time here seeing the many historical sights, I was able to enjoy some time with them.  Dinner at a fun Japanese Sushi place, seeing Arlington Cemetery, and seeing inside the West Wing of the White House with them and Stacie and David were highlights of the time together.  We were glad to get "our turn" seeing where David works!  
At Arlington Cemetary
Sushi dinner with Daylen and Ashley
White House tour with David, Stacie, Daylen and Ashley   

Sister Brown and myself at the White House
Stacie and David at his office

In the EOB, where most of the work is done

         While they don't allow pictures taken inside of this part of the White House, David gave us a great tour of the Oval Office, press room, cabinet room, and areas not often seen (except on TV).  The EOB (Executive Office Building) was very interesting to see as well, where much of the real work of the cabinet members and their staff is done.  Thanks, David, for your time and service!
         I have felt the Lord's help so much in my life lately and have enjoyed being able to feel the spirit of General Conference over the past couple of days.  How blessed we are to be able to hear from our leaders, the apostles and general authorities, to know we are led by a Prophet of God today.  I am so grateful for my testimony that I know this is Christ's church on the earth today, and to feel the love of the Savior in my life in so many ways.  Thanks to each of you for your love and support!         

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