Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 6, 2017

What a terrific treat a week ago to have Maurie, Christy and their family here in my mission area!  They spent most of their trip seeing some of the many historical sites in Philadelphia and Washington D.C., but I felt fortunate to be able to spend a little bit of time with them also.  They were able to do baptisms in the temple, while I enjoyed being with Brandon and Sarah.  Then we were able to get together with them on Saturday at Stacie's place for a barbeque, and Sunday for church.
Outside the temple
Brandon and Sarah at Visitor's Center
At Stacie's for barbeque

This week has been a good week also, although not like having my family here for a few days!  We enjoyed taking the sister missionaries (Calvert Ward) to dinner one night, since we can't have them come clear to Waldorf for dinner!   Sister Thompson and Sister Maybe - such terrific and hard-working sisters!  We love working with them!   We also had an awesome experience at Stake temple day on Thursday, doing several different ordinances there for names I had recently found!  Stake temple day is pretty special when we meet all together in the large Priesthood room on the top (7th) floor of the temple (most temples don't have this special Priesthood room in them) and hear our Stake President and the temple president and his wife speak to us.  It is so wonderful to feel the strong spirit that is there!!
Sisters Thompson and Maybe
Stake temple day - Aug. 3rd
We have been busy visiting the sisters in the Calvert and Bayside areas these past couple of weeks - focusing more on those who have special needs.  One sister we visit has Pancreatic cancer, with very little family to help her out.  Others have had recent surgeries, or need support in their emotional or physical health.  We love visiting Sister Gordy who has Alzheimers, but seems to know who we are when we come anyway, remembers us at church each week.
          The Bayside Ward has quite a few sisters who live right by the Chesapeake Bay, so it is great getting to see such beautiful scenery as well as getting to know such very special sisters.
Chesapeake Bay
Farm equipment used by Dr. Mudd
Dr. Mudd's buggy
       So Saturday (for our P day) we finally made it back to Dr. Samuel Mudd's house, which turned out to be very interesting and a great learning experience.  He is the one who fixed John Wilkes Booth's leg as he was escaping from assassinating Pres. Lincoln - quite a story.  Some don't believe he was in on the conspiracy, others do, but after he helped so many in the prison survive malaria, he was pardoned after 4 years.  '

             DeLos would have loved seeing this farm equipment used 150 years ago - very interesting!  He was a real Civil War buff, loved reading history books on the Civil War and Pres. Lincoln, so I am glad we were able to go to these historical sites near where we live.
Desk made by Dr. Mudd
Bed where Booth's leg was set
We also saw the Mary Surratt house, where  Booth went on his escape route.  She was hung for her part in the conspiracy to kill Pres.Lincoln.                                                                                       
Surratt House
Well, it has been a terrific two weeks - that's about how often I get around to writing this blog.  I love being here is this area of such historical significance, but most of all I love the members of the church I am getting to know here, feeling of their love of the Gospel, and seeing the strength of the members here in Maryland.  The Gospel is true wherever you are, and it is so wonderful to feel the influence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in members' lives and to also feel how much it means to them to be members of the Church!  I am so grateful to have this experience and opportunity, and to be able to serve the Lord.   Thank you for your love and support!  Have a great week!

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