Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017

Fall is in full bloom here in Southern Maryland - there are so many types of trees, presenting their variety of colors everywhere.  It is spectacular seeing them wherever we are driving.  I have always loved the Fall season, and have especially enjoyed it here the past few weeks!
       Bolling Air Force Base       
         Another new experience has been being able to go on Bolling Air Force Base to see the sisters from our Anacostia Ward who live there.  We got a pass a couple of weeks ago which will last us for 3 months, until it's time to come home.  There are about 10 families living there on the base, so it has been great getting to know them.
View of D.C. from the base

Patriotic + BYU Alumni
         We enjoyed some activities with the White Plains Ward this past couple of weeks.  The Relief Society social was getting to know the sisters through a favorite "shoe story".  There were some interesting shoes brought, and more interesting stories told!!  The ward is so large now that they have combined the two wards in White Plains and this was a great way for sisters to get acquainted! 
Dinosaur costume
Babies and decorated trunks
         We also had a great time at the ward's "Trunk or Treat."  What fun to see so many dressed in costumes, from babies to the older members of the ward, and to see the clever and fun ways they had to decorate their trunks.  They enjoyed the chili cook off and great desserts as well!  I actually baked a pumpkin cake for it - one of my few times baking while here!               
Gourleys in costume!
        Of course, it's always a highlight when I get to see my grandkids!  It was only for a short while Sunday morning when I drove to Stacie and David's ward to see their children in the Primary Sacrament meeting program.  Since it was early enough to get up to Anacostia for my meetings there, I felt it was special to be able to see and hear them in their program.  Extra special for a proud grandma like me!!     
With Liam and Isla - Primary program
        We have had many great experiences with the sisters in both the White Plains and Anacostia Wards, as we try to see how we can help best.  We have found such a need in our new ward that we serve wherever the need is that Sunday - doing the music in Relief Society, helping in the Nursery, or whatever it may be.  They have too few active members to cover everything, so we are glad to be of help.  There are wonderful, humble and sweet sisters, and I feel so thankful to get to know and try to bless their lives however we can.
          I have found I am not as "invincible" as I thought, and have had to slow down a little while trying to get over Bronchitis this past week.  The change of seasons seems to have got the best of me, but I am doing much better since seeing a doctor and getting on an antibiotic, etc.  I am grateful for modern medicine, and for the good health I have had most of the time here.  Life is Good, and I know my Heavenly Father loves and watches over me, and each of us.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve and for the blessings in my life, for my wonderful children and grandchildren, and especially for the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  Have a good week (or two) 'til I write again.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for coming to the Primary Program! The kids will always remember being able to look out and see Grammy’s face in the congregation.
