Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 18th, 2017

Rouge with step-day, Joel
 June 10th, 2017
        Today was a very special day with the Labtic family as Joel baptized Iris's son, Rouge, into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  After going to many of the lessons while the elders taught Rouge, and dinner with them at the Labtic's house, we were so delighted to be a part of the baptism and feel the spirit there.  Quite a few members of the ward attended, which we were so glad to see, to show him that support and friendship.  He was confirmed the following day at Sacrament meeting.  We love being a part of their family!

Elders Rowley, Buchanan and Criddle
Labtic family with elders
Sister Brown and myself with Labtics and elders
Joel with Kimber
Rouge with Elders Rowley and Criddle
So big changes Sunday at Sacrament meeting;  the White Plains 1st and White Plains 2nd wards had a joint meeting, where the two wards were merged together into one ward.  It makes for a huge ward, but many inactive or lost people.  Now it seems to make sense why we have spent so much time looking for the different sisters on the Relief Society lists, so that we can assure them in both wards of those who no longer live in this area and hopefully help them clean up their ward records some.  The 1st ward was totally dissolved, all those serving in it released from their jobs, so it will be very interesting to see the changes make to ward callings as they try to assimilate everyone.  I hope it will help strengthen the entire area, especially to combine the youth programs.
Pres. & Sis.Johnson
Jim Tate, taking us sailing
Sisters on sailboat
The Senior missionaries met last Saturday for a day of sailing with some of the members in the Calvert Ward (Jim and Sharon Tate, no relation that we can figure out), which is an annual tradition for them.  Not only do they take all the senior missionaries out on the Patuxent River on their sailboat, but they supply crabs, freshly caught and steamed, for us to enjoy!  It was a fun day with the other missionaries and nice to have some down time with everyone, even Pres. and Sis. Johnson!

Tate's sailboat

Sis. Tate digging out crab
Lunch after sailing trip
Today has been another very special day.  We spent 4 hours this morning at a missionary conference with Elder Brent H. Nielsen of the Seventy and his wife.  I felt so well-taught by such a wonderful leader in the church, and motivated in our work of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.  Then tonight he also came to our stake conference, so we were able to hear his wife and him speak again - powerful and inspiring!  I look forward to the morning session tomorrow to be instructed and taught by them again!
         This has been a really marvelous week, so many great experiences and really feeling the love and strength of our Father in Heaven as we continue serving Him the best we can.  My love for the Savior grows continuously as I see His work progress here in Maryland.  Love you all! 

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