Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017

Overlooking the Chesapeake Bay from St. Leonard, Maryland
        We have been busy all week in our visits both in St. Charles County and in the Calvert County.  Traveling between the two areas takes quite a bit of time, but also gives us a great variety in the areas we see and in the people we meet.  Much of the time is spent in looking for people on the ward lists, sometimes finding the sister has not lived there for a few years.  It is very hard to keep the ward records up to date.  But when we do find someone we are looking for we consider it a success!
        This sister is one we were referred to who has had a stroke.  We love that she can operate the CD player we brought her and listen to the CD's of the Book of Mormon.  They seem to bring her peace and some comfort in her loneliness.  She was really pleased with the afghan we gave her that a sister in the Calvert Ward had made.   
          While looking for another sister this week, we found she was at work, but her nonmember husband spoke to us at length about how much his family means to him.  We shared with him the knowledge that families can be united forever, even after death and he was so interested in the things we told him.  We have given his name to the elders in that ward to hopefully follow up with.
           We looked for another sister where she works in a store called "Peebles".  We found her, had a nice visit, and also found some cute sandals and purse!   Now hopefully we can visit her again this next week on her day off!
            The night we look forward to the most in the week is meeting with the Elders and the Labtic family, who we have grown to adore.  We furnished the pizzas this week - and they furnished the entertainment (music and games) and a great lesson for Rouge about the Book of Mormon.  It was a special evening with them!
Elder Rowley with Leo
Bro. Labtic with Rouge

Sister Labtic with Kimber
Enough pizza for all!
         The Church of Jesus Christ is true and I am so grateful to be able to share it's message with those we meet in this part of the Lord's vineyard.  There are so many really terrific people here and it is a wonderful opportunity to meet them, grow to love them, and let them also know how much the Savior, Jesus Christ loves them.  Have a wonderful week! 

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