Monday, April 10, 2017

April 9, 2017

What a blessing to be able to go to the temple this week!  And we were pleasantly surprised to see several young elders and sisters, as well as our mission president and his wife, in the same session with us.  These elders and sisters had just finished their mission and were heading home the next day, so it was a pretty emotional experience for them.  We felt so blessed to be there coincidentally at the same time with them.  Tender mercies!
Crossing the Patuxent River
Patuxent River
 And we felt the added strength we were seeking to carry forth with our new assignment, as we began going to Calvert Co. this week.  Two to three days a week we travel to Huntingtown and Prince Frederick to  visit sisters in these areas.  Each day we cross over the Patuxent River on a large bridge that connects the two counties (Charles Co. and Calvert Co.) to our additional area of service.  It is quite a beautiful drive, especially on the sunny days.  One day it was pouring rain so hard we debated whether we should go, but by the time we got there the rain had quit and we had some wonderful visits.  Then when we were through, it started hailing and pouring again.  By the time we finished eating at Jerry's (a place well known for it's crab cakes!), it had stopped again, and we were able to drive on home safely.
Crab cakes and shrimp at "Jerry's Seafood"
I have enjoyed so much meeting some very special sisters who live in this area.  One day after leaving our bookmarks with our names and phone numbers in several doors of sisters who weren't home, we got a phone call asking who we were, what we were doing, etc. Then the lady told us she had just been diagnosed with cancer, and asked us to pray for her.  She has not been active in the church for some time, but for some reason, divine intervention, we were led to her house last week. We were able to pass her name on to the Relief Society president there who was able to visit her as well and arrange for a Priesthood blessing for her.  The Lord works in small ways, even through two senior sister missionaries trying our best to serve!

We did find a number of sisters home and were able to have good visits with them and give them a little moral support as they face different challenges - one who is new to the community, another who has a child with a terminal illness, others who tend their grandchildren every day so the mothers can work.  I hope we can be a strength and encouragement to them as we try to help them come closer to the Savior.

Back in our White Plains area Friday we looked for a number of sisters, then went to one of our favorite places, Sister Barrow.  Her daughter, Miranda, had just had wisdom teeth taken out so was recuperating, and we had such a great visit with them.  Then she took us to where the Amish people live, we even went to their little store in the middle of all their farms.  It was so interesting, but very hard to take pictures of them!
Kimi and Miranda Barrow
Amish farmhouse (from the car)

For our P-day Saturday we decided to go to nearby Port Tobacco, and happened to go on their opening day for the season, where they were having a reinactment of Civil War days.  It was very interesting visiting with the people there who love their community and history.  We also went to the Thomas Stone house,  who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  He was a prominent lawyer and statesman in the early days of our country.  At one time Port Tobacco was the 2nd largest city in Maryland and the county seat of Charles County.  There is so much history to learn about here, it is fascinating!
Reinactment of Civil War Days at Port Tobacco
Thomas Stone house
Original desk of Thomas Stone
Saturday night we were able to take a sister to the Washington D.C. Mormon Choir for a special Easter program - such a wonderful treat!  It truly helped put us in the spirit to celebrate the last week of the Savior's life and this Easter season. 

What a wonderful week!  This beautiful season of the year, my prayer for each of you is that you will remember the Savior, Jesus Christ, what He has done for each of us and the knowledge we all have of  the Resurrection, being with our loved ones and the Savior again some day.  I hope you have a special time this Easter with your families!  My love and prayers are with you.    

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