Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 19, 2017

We are certainly getting to see some interesting and beautiful parts of Maryland while meeting many wonderful people.  This week we have visited sisters in Hughesville, Charlotte Hall, Brandywine, Aquasco, LaPlata, Indian Head, and here in Waldorf.  These are some of the areas of the two wards that we serve in, which add quite a variety to our week. And fortunately, we have usually had very beautiful weather - in the 70's the past few days.  Hopefully Spring is on its way!

We had our District meeting on Tuesday in Suitland, and what a fun bunch of missionaries!  The senior couple work with the military in Bethesda, the sisters work in Bowie, and 4 of the elders work in our area, Waldorf (and surrounding areas).   We were also glad to be able to go to the temple that day, in spite of the traffic coming home. 

Because of the limited mileage, the elders are unable to get to some of the outlying areas, so hopefully we can visit some of the people they are teaching. (Using our own cars, we have unlimited miles, and we sure put on the miles each week!)

We have met some wonderful sisters this week, and look forward so much to going back to teach them more about the gospel.  Two sisters are fairly new converts, and we will be able to help with the new member discussions, as the elders can't go there alone.  One sister is from the Phillipines and should be having her baby this week.  We are hoping they can get prepared to go to the temple and be sealed as a family during the time we are here.  Another sister is German and 92 years old.  She joined the church last May - her daughter and family have been members for 40 years, but she wouldn't listen about the church.  Then, suddenly she realized she wanted to be sealed to her family, and was totally able to accept the gospel.  She now glows with excitement about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  She is so excited for them to all be sealed this May, 4 generations together.  What a great day that will be for them!!  We hope we will be able to be there too!

We felt like our visit with another sister was helpful as she opened her heart to tell us about her sweet granddaughter that she is raising - what a challenge!  And another sister came here about a year ago, after her husband passed away, to live with her son and his wife.  She is in a wheelchair and nearly blind from macular degeneration, her son and his wife both are at work all day, so she is very lonely.  She encouraged us to visit whenever we were able -  we will be going back to her for sure.  So many very sweet sisters with so many challenges, we wonder how we can be of help to them.  It is wonderful to know we can spend most of our days in trying to serve and help, giving nearly all of our time to the Lord through serving.  It is very fulfilling and satisfying work, and I am so grateful to be able to serve a mission while I have the energy and health to do this.

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