Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23, 2017

Birthday flowers & cards
We have been very busy with the work here, meeting so many new sisters and finding out how we can best serve them.  We were able to show one sister how to listen to the scriptures and conference talks on her tablet, which helps her keep her mind on something besides her cancer!  The sister we visit in Calvert Ward who has Alzheimers seems to remember us each week as we visit her and now feels comfortable sitting with us in Relief Society.  I think her husband enjoys the visits more than she does as he tells us their many stories and recalls the good times!  Life presents so many challenges!

We met with Sister Smith this week, the new Stake Relief Society president, and she asked us to focus mostly on the Calvert and Bayside Wards, which are both on the peninsula to the east of where we live (30 to 40 mile drive), but we love it.  We have already met some wonderful sisters over there and are enthused about helping out where we can.  Five new families have just moved into the Calvert Ward, brings new excitement to the area!  We help with a few sisters in White Plains, but hope the Relief Society sisters there will continue to fellowship and work with those we have been working to activate.
Kennedy Center

So last weekend I had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday with two of my daughters (Stacie and Cori) and my companion, Sister Brown.  We went to dinner, then to see "The Sound of Music" at the beautiful Kennedy Center.  It was so great to see and enjoy - all the music we love so much.  Then I was able to go to Stacie's to celebrate with her cute children and Cori before Cori had to fly back to her own family in Colorado.                 
Birthday Dinner and celebration
Such a special time!  This is one of the great things about being on a mission as a Senior - being able to see family when the opportunity arises!  These are wonderful memories for me to have while serving here!
Opening presents with Isla and Liam
With Isla on boat
Esme - so happy!

Liam on boat
Birthday celebration with Cori and Stacie (and Esme)
 Our White Plains Ward had a Relief Society social at Sister Topper's house this week, a Pool Party.  It was fun to see the sisters getting to know each other better since the two wards merged into one a few weeks ago.
Pool Party at Sis. Topper's house
And we love seeing so many interesting things in our travels each day - the beautiful flowers and animals everywhere (deer, squirrels and turtles!)

Crepe myrtle
Save the Turtles!
Yes, we have seen turtles crossing the road, along with ducks and all their baby ducklings!
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways while on this mission - I recognize His hand in so many things each day, answers to prayers for the sisters we are praying for, as well as for my family.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve here in the Washington D.C. North Mission, for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the blessing of sharing it with others each day!  Have a great week!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 9, 2017

What a great time and place to celebrate our nation's birthday here in Washington D.C.  We were able to watch a fun firework show over the Patuxent River with friends from our White Plains ward on July 1st, then go to Washington D.C. with Stacie and David to see the firework show there from the grounds of the White House on the Fourth!  What a celebration it was, and how fun to feel a part of the excitement there - and to see the faces of Liam and Isla as the fireworks went off!
David, Stacie, Liam & Isla
Marta and myself by the White House
The White House at night
View from lawn of the White House
The week before we said "Good-bye" to Elder Rowley with a farewell dinner at the Labtic's place, yummy!  Then the following day we were able to go to the temple with the elders who were leaving the next day for home, after serving so faithfully for 2 years here in the Washington D.C. North mission.  What a special group of Elders!  I have really enjoyed getting to know Elder Rowley and working with him.
Dinner with Elders at the Labtics

At the temple with departing Elders
 After a busy week of visiting and looking for many sisters in our two areas (White Plains and Calvert), we were blessed to meet up with a dear friend and daughter who were visiting here from Utah, Susan and Whisper Saltzman.  We were able to go to dinner and a concert of the Washington D.C. Mormon Orchestra playing at the Visitor's center on the temple grounds.  Such a treat!
At Visitor's Center with Susan and Whisper
With view of temple
Whisper was one of my students way back in 2nd grade about 10 years ago, now has graduated with many awards and scholarships to get her through college - a very talented girl, and her sweet mother has been such a good friend for many years!  So fun to see them here!  And the temple is always so beautiful, but the sunset view of it is especially nice!

 I feel so blessed to be able to serve my Father in Heaven here at this time and in this place! Remember the Savior loves you, and I do too, and have a great week!